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Gary Griffith slams stoppage of granting of FULs

Why is the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) not currently issuing firearm User’s Licenses (FULs) despite 100% of murders being undertaken using illegal weapons?
The question was posed by Former Police Commissioner Gary Griffith who noted that Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds held a media launch, which took place back on September 14, to facilitate the handing over of a report from the Office of Law Enforcement Policy (OLEP) entitled Review of the Firearms Licensing System in Trinidad and Tobago.
However, he took aim at a “clueless” OLEP head Gale Charles who recognized that firearms are of serious concern to citizens since most murders are gun-related.
The former CoP went on to note that legal firearms have not been used in a single crime in the last three years and added that, as recently as this week, they were instrumental in protecting the lives and assets of law-abiding citizens.