Fmr Housing Minister calls for Todd’s Road Housing Project to be relocated

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Fmr Housing Minister calls for Todd’s Road Housing Project to be relocated

Former housing Minister Roodal Moonilal is calling on the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) and by extension, the Government to cease the proposed housing development project within the Todd Street area in San Fernando.

Dr Moonilal says the Government should take the project to another area, citing several reasons like traffic congestion and the removal of green spaces.

“They want to use a parcel of land to put three HDC apartments. This must be madness. I cannot believe people go to sleep and wake up in the morning and think of a plan like that to put buildings in this crowded area,” Moonilal said.

He said that by building the units, the HDC would be removing green space and aesthetics and denying children a playground. Earlier in the month, several residents had also called for the project to be stopped.