Farley plans to establish a THA police unit

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Farley plans to establish a THA police unit

In a bid to assist in efforts to reduce crime and criminality on the sister isle of Tobago, Tobago House of Assembly Chief Secretary Farley Augustine has announced plans to establish a THA police unit.

Augustine pointed out, however, that the THA police unit will only complement the work of national security agencies as the THA does not have jurisdiction over national security under the THA Act’s sixth schedule.

Speaking at a media conference yesterday, Augustine said: “The legal review for the establishment of the THA police has been completed and the path is clear for its implementation,” he said.

But for this to work, he called for a complete revamp of the justice system and for Tobagonians to “maco with a purpose”.

“Knowingly not taking action against those who are among us with illegal firearms and ammunition and who are using these illicit items to murder, constitutes a betrayal of the ideals that define us as Tobagonians,” he said.

“Now is the time to maco with a purpose. Pick up the phone and report those in our communities who are exhibiting anti-social behaviours.”

Augustine urged Tobagonians to prioritise doing the right thing, even if it meant sacrificing personal relationships.

“To do otherwise would mean you are prepared to normalise gun violence and murders in Tobago, which we cannot let happen,” he said.

“Our collective public safety and security dictate that we discharge the social control mandate without giving consideration to who the offender is. I know it will be challenging for some of us to take action against our children, husbands, relatives, and friends, but our safety and that of our entire island depend on us doing the right and correct thing.”

Augustine said he hoped to have a discussion with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on crime in Tobago.