Tag: #farleyaugustine

1 2 3 8 10 / 71 POSTS
TPP: Government using its resources to attack the TH A

TPP: Government using its resources to attack the TH A

Farley Augustine's Tobago's People Party (TPP),has accused the PNM gov [...]
Farley says TTPS needs to find radical response to crime

Farley says TTPS needs to find radical response to crime

Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, Farley Augustine, has [...]
Rowley invites Farley to National Security Council Meeting

Rowley invites Farley to National Security Council Meeting

THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine has been invited to a National Se [...]
Ann Natasha Second elected Chairman in TPP interal elections

Ann Natasha Second elected Chairman in TPP interal elections

Ann Natasha Second has been elected the new chairman of the Tobago Peo [...]
Farley’s budget described as a failure

Farley’s budget described as a failure

Minority leader, Kelvon Morris, has described the THA budget as a fail [...]
1 2 3 8 10 / 71 POSTS