Entertainer Amit Dookram critically injured in crash

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Entertainer Amit Dookram critically injured in crash

Entertainer Amit Dookram was critically injured in a crash after returning home from a performance.

Dookram, who lives in Tunapuna was returning home from San Fernando when he lost control of his vehicle while driving north along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway, near Gasparillo.

Dookram, was taken to the San Fernando General Hospital, where he remains in the intensive care unit.

In a Facebook post, singer Amit Sooknanan called on the nation to pray for Dookram who suffered severe spinal injuries.

“Last night our brother Amit Dookram met with an accident on the highway heading home from a gig. He is currently critical and in the hospital. He suffers a fractured neck and spine and has been sedated for the next 24 hours. Friends, I’m only messaging here cuz I know he’s been a great guy always to many many people and they deserve to pray for him at this time. Please hold Amit in your prayer all of you and let’s see him get up and out of this tragedy. We cannot do this alone. I’ve seen the power of collective prayer and now it’s our time to give him That support and strength that he needs to recover.
Please everyone hold him in your hearts and pray hard for your brother @amit Dookram, pray hard for mine.”