Drive-by shooting in South Oropouche – 24-year-old man killed

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Drive-by shooting in South Oropouche – 24-year-old man killed

A drive-by shooting in South Oropouche last night has claimed the life of a 24-year-old man.

The dead man is Brian Peter Cedeno.

Cedeno was in the yard of his cousin’s home at Ralph Narine Trace around 9:30pm.

He and a few others were cooking in the yard when a van stopped, and several shots were fired.

A bullet pierced Cedeno’s right eye.

Two officers of the Oropouche Police Station were on patrol in the area when residents alerted them about the incident.

When they arrived they saw Cedeno’s body on the ground. Police don’t have a motive for the killing. Cedeno was a labourer and lived a short distance from where he died.