Bye-elections today for Lengua/Indian Walk and Quinam/Morne Diablo

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Bye-elections today for Lengua/Indian Walk and Quinam/Morne Diablo

The electoral districts of Lengua/Indian Walk and Quinam/Morne Diablo will be very actiie today as bye-elections are being held.

In Lengua/Indian Walk, the PNM’s Autly Granthume and the UNC’s Nicole Gopaul will face off once again. However, they will also have to contend with electrician Peterson Morales, who will be contesting as an independent candidate.

The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) Chief Election Officer Fern Narcis-Scope announced last August that elections would take place in the electoral district of Lengua/Indian Walk following a tie between the United National Congress (UNC) and the People’s National Movement (PNM).

In the Lengua/Indian Walk electoral district, the PNM’s candidate Granthume was initially announced as the winner over the UNC’s Gopaul.

Granthume received 1,430 votes whilst Gopaul’s received 1,425 votes.

During a recount, requested by the UNC, it was discovered that both candidates had tied after they secured 1,428 votes each.

A second recount produced the same results.

A by-election is also being held in the electoral district of Morne Diablo/Quinam following the death of the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation chairman Diptee Ramnath in December 2023.

The electoral district is being contested by the PNM’s candidate Anderson Nanan against the UNC’s Sarah Sookdeo.

In a statement on June 12, the EBC said it is fully prepared for these by-elections and has taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth and fair voting process.

“As per standard rules and practices, the voting hours will be from 6 am-6 pm.”

The total number of eligible voters for both by-elections is 16,834. Lengua/Indian Walk has 8,465 eligible voters and Quinam/Morne Diablo has 8,369.