Australian farmer’s wife wakes up to rat nibbling on her eyeball


Australian farmer’s wife wakes up to rat nibbling on her eyeball

The ongoing Australian rodent plague wasn’t horrifying enough, a farmer’s wife was hospitalized after she awoke to a mouse eating her eyeball, the Sun reported Monday.

She is one of the many victims of the unprecedented pestilence, which has seen millions of the furry vermin wreak havoc on communities from Brisbane to Melbourne.

In another stomach-churning incident last month, a farmer felt a mouse scurry across his face as he slept.

“I felt a tickly, furry sensation as it crawled from behind my ear across my cheek,” Narromine’s Mick Harris told the UK’s Times of the revolting wakeup call. “It made my skin crawl. My hair stood up and I jumped out of bed.”

The 35-year-old farming consultant added, “For the rest of the night I didn’t sleep a wink — until I caught the mouse in a trap under the bed.”

Just weeks earlier, his wife experienced a similar horror after she was woken up by one of the pests chewing on her wedding ring finger.

Harris lamented, “We’ve got two young kids. It does make you worry that when they wake up crying it’s because they have a mouse in their bed.”