AG: “it would have been more prudent to wear masks”

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AG: “it would have been more prudent to wear masks”

Attorney General, Faris Al-Rawi issued the following statement on his appearance on Vibes with Voicy charity celebrity game show night on Instagram.

The AG in his statement said while persons followed Covid protocol it would have certainly been more prudent to wear masks in that setting.

See full statement below –

“I  have noted comments on my attendance at a live streamed charity event which was held in a private residence with less than 10 persons present in the room.

In this time of Covid-19 fatigue, my participation was intended to bring some relief through charity and light heartedness.

Even though participants took temperatures and sanitized, upon reflection it would certainly have been more prudent to wear masks in that setting. It would’ve helped encourage the audience tuned in to keep the fight against Covid-19 alive whilst having a laugh viewing people like me shed the suit and tie and serious talk for a bit of humour.

Sometimes the lines on mask wearing get blurred in private settings, at home functions, at home weddings, at restaurants and even in playing in a small football side for health and physical care.

Hairs can be split and justifications can be given as to things being taken out of context and of being fed up of being hounded. This is not an occasion for any of that.

I fully support the Honourable PM’s reflections on this issue and especially his expressed view that each of us have a part to play in fighting Covid-19.

Quite simply and in all circumstances, I am renewed in giving my personal redoubled commitment to do better by being seen to adopt best practices.

I’m certainly very far from any perfection and have made numerous mistakes which I embrace openly.

Even though no law was broken I should have acted better and unreservedly apologize.

I am very happy to have supported and to continue to support the excellent entrepreneurial and philanthropic work of our young amazing stars Voice and Penny who continue to find far reaching relevance to a very real and vibezy T&T.