St Joseph police are investigating an incident in Curepe on Thursday afternoon, which left four secondary school boys being treated for stab wounds after they were attacked and beaten by boys from another secondary school in Curepe.
The group of boys, which included a 15-year-old, a 16-year-old and two 17-year-olds, were in Curepe on the Maracas St Joseph Taxi Stand at around 3 pm, when they were attacked by boys from two secondary schools who had glass bottles and knives.
One of the boys tried running away on the Eastern Main Road but was struck by a glass bottle behind his head.
The boys were taken to hospital where the 16-year-old was treated for stab wounds to his back and right hand, while the 15-year-old was treated for a stab wound to his upper left arm.
One of the 17-year-olds was stabbed in the left wrist while the other was treated for a blow to the back of his head from the glass bottle.