Warner to attend UNC meeting at Centre of Excellence tonight

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Warner to attend UNC meeting at Centre of Excellence tonight

Former UNC chairman and former Minister of National Security Jack Warner will take center stage this evening, when he speaks on the political podium for the UNC at the Centre of Excellence in Macoya.

He is expected to detail his reasons for supporting UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and explain exactly what he is hoping to achieve with the political reunion.

St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen confirmed Warner’s reunion with the party during a media conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader in Port-of-Spain. 

Ameen said before Prime Minister Dr Rowley announced the Local Government Elections date (LGE) last month, Persad-Bissessar called on political parties to unite to oust the People’s National Movement (PNM), and several came forward.

She said the National Transformation Alliance (NTA), ILP and other parties are working together in every region across the country, and people have responded well. es.

Ameen said: “Mr Warner, in the area he has been living for many years, the Lopinot/ Bon Air West constituency also offers their UNC candidates, and so you will have collaboration with political parties in terms of campaigning, in terms of strategy as well as candidates. So it is in keeping with that accommodation that you will see Mr Warner, Mr Griffith and others on the political platform.”

Warner’s return to the UNC was leaked by UNC councillor Adrian Ali after he shared a photo of him next to Ameen, the UNC’s deputy chairman.