Warner offers to mend rift between Persad-Bissessar and Griffith

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Warner offers to mend rift between Persad-Bissessar and Griffith

Former government minister Jack Warner has addressed the rift between Opposition leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar and NTA’s Gary Griffith.

This after statements made by the two over the smaller party’s meaningful contribution to the UNC’s push in next year’s general election.

Warner, in a GML interview, said he believes the fracture in the relationship between Persad-Bissessar and Griffith can be repaired, and he can also play a role in mending it.

“The situation is, it’s not, of course, irretrievable and I think dialogue on both sides can resolve it and I will do what I can to assist in getting that dialogue together,” Warner said.

He said he would not comment further on the matter, as he wants to be in the best position to mediate in the issue.

Meanwhile, the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), a former UNC coalition partner, said it knew exactly which party Persad-Bissessar was referring to during the cottage meeting in Preysal.

“You know there’s a saying that when you pelt a stone at a pig pen the one that squeals is the one that got hit? So obviously, there’s something going on with herself and Gary Griffith because Gary responded right away, and the MSJ, we have nothing to do with that, that does not bother us,” MSJ leader David Abdulah said.

When sked by the media house if the MSJ will entertain Persad-Bissessar’s invitation for parties to join her, Abdulah said curtly, “Absolutely not.”

He added, “She can say whatever she wants but I know how the UNC behaves in a partnership. Quite apart from her wanting to tell people not to be disrespectful, I know the UNC was highly disrespectful to us and with what we brought to the table. And we brought a whole lot to the table.”

GML also spoke to Dr Indira Rampersad, who said she saw the breakup coming, after both Persad-Bissessar and Griffith recently shared different views on the need for a state of emergency at the UNC-hosted anti-crime town hall.

“I think he (Griffith) has been trying to assert his autonomy and independence, while at the same time using a UNC platform and she would have been under pressure because he has been making contrary statements which were not aligned to the UNC,” Rampersad said.

Noting that Persad-Bissessar did the politically expedient thing, she said, “I don’t think it is going to work out. In politics, there is no right and wrong but what is politically expedient.

“I think she nipped it in the bud, that if you are going to speak against the UNC and want some level of autonomy, then you have to bring something. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t benefit from the UNC crowd, platform and resources and then you still want to be autonomous and independent with your views.”

She said right now the UNC may not even need the support of third parties, as there are no viable options.