Wallerfield accident claims life of fitness coach

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Wallerfield accident claims life of fitness coach

A 37-year-old woman was killed in an accident in Wallerfield on Friday night.

The victim has been identified as businesswoman and fitness coach Estrian Calliste-Danzell.

Police said that at around 10.10 p.m., they were informed of a road traffic accident along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway in the vicinity of Wallerfield Block Three.

When officers arrived at the scene they found a white Subaru wrapped around a utility pole on the median.

The driver, Danzell, of Evergreen Avenue, was still in the vehicle motionless and unresponsive.

Paramedics found there were no signs of life were detected on the driver.

A district medical officer examined the body and ordered it removed pending a post-mortem next week.

Arima Police are continuing investigations.

Danzell was well-known in her community of Valencia, and as the host of the popular online podcast “Garden of Edan”.