T&TEC’s S.E.A hotline activated

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T&TEC’s S.E.A hotline activated

As schools prepare for the sitting of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examination on Thursday, 21st March, T&TEC has announced that its hotline will be activated from today to ensure that an efficient electricity service is maintained at all SEA Centres.

The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission is advising school principals and supervisors effective from 12 noon, today, and continuing until 3:00 p.m. on exam day, principals and supervisors can call or text the T&TEC hotline at 794-4823 or 794-7264 to report any disruption in their electricity service or any electrical safety concerns.

The standard trouble report numbers, 800-bulb (2852) and 800-TTEC (8832), remain available 24/7.

T&TEC says it remains committed to our SEA students and advises that there will be no planned interruptions scheduled for exam day and is wishing all SEA students the very best in their examination.