Temporary traffic disruption along Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway from December 6th to 30th

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Temporary traffic disruption along Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway from December 6th to 30th

The Ministry of Works and Transport is advising the public that there will be a temporary traffic disruption along the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway, 33.5 Mark, southbound, in the vicinity of Macaulay Flyover.

This is to facilitate works, which will be conducted from Wednesday 6th December to Saturday 30th December.

Work will be undertaken daily, however, during the hours of 8:00pm to 4:00am, traffic would be limited to single lane within the work zone.

The public is advised that the shoulder lane within the section of the work zone will remain closed for the duration of the project.

In light of the above, motorists are advised to comply with the following:

*Proceed with caution and observe all directional signs and barriers.
* Comply with instructions from Police Officers or Traffic Control Officers on site, to facilitate a safe and orderly flow of traffic.
*Be aware of equipment in the work zone and entering/exiting the site.
*Motorists should drive at a reduced speed and proceed with caution on approaching the work zone..