Penal/Debe steps up war on mosquitoes as dengue cases increase

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Penal/Debe steps up war on mosquitoes as dengue cases increase

Following the increase in dengue cases in the Penal/Debe district, the Penal/Debe Regional corporation has begun spraying for mosquitoes in the morning and afternoon to cover more households as quickly as possible.

The Corporation’s public relations team says while the Insect Vector Division is understaffed and under-resourced, the Corporation has been left to service over 800 streets. “Where is Minister Deyalsingh and why are we in this situation?”, it asked.

“The Penal/Debe Regional Corporation has revised and increased its dyna fogging schedule to ensure that we do everything that we can to curb the number of cases and decrease the chances of persons being infected by the disease. Over the next couple of weeks, numerous areas will be sprayed at the morning and afternoon period in order to complete more communities in the least possible time.”

Residents are also being called on to ensure their properties are kept tidy to limit the breeding of mosquitoes.