Parents , Guardians Urged To Care Of Children In A Protective Environment

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Parents , Guardians Urged To Care Of Children In A Protective Environment

The Children’s Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is urging parents, guardians and those entrusted with the care of children, to create a protective and nurturing environment for them.

In the spirit of the festive holiday season and end of year vacation period for children, the Authority encourages parents and guardians to spend time as a family, and engage in responsible and fun activities with their children that bring good cheer, happiness, and create wonderful memories.

The Authority notes that while many will be focused on preparing for the holidays, it should also be a time of safety for every child.

Therefore, children should be supervised at all times and left in the care of a trusted and responsible adult.

Since many home projects and clean-up activities take place at this time of the year, children should not be exposed to, or have easy access to harmful chemicals, cleaning agents or hand and power tools.

Children’s online activity should also be monitored to protect them from exposure to negative content and online grooming.