Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds  said that social media sites presenting T&T in a very negative light abroad

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Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds  said that social media sites presenting T&T in a very negative light abroad

Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds  said that social media sites were  presenting our country in a very negative light abroad and that this country’s international relations are very important to us. Minister Hinds was speaking to reporters yesterday after delivering the feature address at the T&T Prison Service’s 82nd sports and family day in Arouca.

He said: “It is rather painful and unfortunate not only at the illegality but at the ignorance, emptiness, stupidity, and futility of that life because, by so doing, it is easily an advertisement.” He added that the keen eyes of the police were also observing those videos.

Hinds added that members of national security in T&T try to make places safe, “because take it from me, there are those in this country and in this world who do not want safety and peace.”

In response to several young men seen brandishing guns and claiming to be unemployed, Hinds said, “It is rather painful and unfortunate not only at the illegality but at the ignorance, emptiness, stupidity, and futility of that life because, by so doing, it is easily an advertisement.”

He scolded them saying: “Get a hold of your little self, adding that the men in the videos falsely that this country did not avail sufficient opportunities for young people, which the minister categorically denied. He said young people in T&T have diverse academic and training opportunities regardless of where they live, “other than violence and pornography.” Hinds rejected the suggestion saying it was a myth and a horrific joke to suggest that our young people do not have opportunities.