Left in a hot car for hours – 5 year old girl now critical

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Left in a hot car for hours – 5 year old girl now critical

Siparia police are investigating an incident on Sunday, in which a five-year-old girl was left in a locked car for hours, and is now warded in critical condition at hospital.

Reports state that the child’s mother had left her in the care of a relative to attend a funeral.

The 41-year-old mother told police a female relative had agreed to bring her daughter and other children to the funeral.

She said around 4 pm she saw the relative but she did not see her daughter. When she asked the relative for her daughter, she said she left the child in the vehicle.

The child was found unconscious, covered in vomit and urine.

The child was then rushed to the Siparia District Health Facility where she was treated and transferred to the San Fernando General Hospital. She was moved from the Intensive Care Unit to the Resuscitation Room.

The doctor’s findings reveal that the child suffered severe dehydration secondary to query heat stroke, query aspiration pneumonia and query hypoxic brain injury.