Karen’s fence jumping takes center stage at South J’Ouvert

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Karen’s fence jumping takes center stage at South J’Ouvert

Former Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira featured heavily for South J’Ouvert as there were depictions of the now-infamous moment of her scaling the fence at the Southern Academy for the Performing Arts (SAPA) to attend a state funeral.

Mere feet from where the original incident occurred, three masqueraders took to the stage to put their spin on the event in the ole mas portrayals for J’Ouvert celebrations.

With just nine members, the popular D’Blue Boys entertained the judges and spectators outside SAPA with several social and political portrayals, including one of Nunez-Tesheira and HOPE political leader Timothy Hamel-Smith climbing over a fence.

The other two depictions of the funeral storming incident came during Phillip and Friends’ “D truth is…” portrayal.

First there was a depiction of Nunez-Tesheira hopping the fence by a person in exaggerated dress resembling a dame Lorraine in a performance titled “D truth is ah ha 2 get een.”

The second depiction by the group titled “D truth is Karen really jump de fence?” portrayed the character as a die-hard People’s National Movement member but quickly changing sides to the HOPE party as she jumped the fence.