Kamla warns her detractors; says she will not be controlled by anyone

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Kamla warns her detractors; says she will not be controlled by anyone

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar came out blazing last night as she spoke at the UNC’s Monday Report in Moruga, sending a warning that her kindness should not be taken for weakness.

Without naming her detractors, she said: “I serve you with notice—don’t say you were never notified.”

She said the UNC had grown tremendously between the time she and UNC deputy leader Roodal Moonilal had joined it and now represents every creed, race and religion representing T&T’s diversity. Saying the UNC will continue being a party of great diversity and tolerance, she added that when members began years ago, one couldn’t see the mix, as what was seen at last night’s meeting.

Persad-Bissessar said the UNC was open to all people from all walks of life, all faiths, morals and value must be respected as all are equally important. She said she remembered late Minister/MP Morgan Job used to tell her, “See not race in every face, see grace as we’re all children of God”.

“I ask you to remember that – see not race in every face but see grace because we’re all children of God. That is my heartfelt belief and a foundation stone of the great UNC. There’s no room for intolerance, extremism of any kind in our UNC. As your leader – as a national leader, I represent all people equally and fairly,” she said.

“I cannot and will not be controlled by any individual or group to promote any singular agenda at the expense of other sections of our country. I’ll always promote the well-being of our diverse beautiful people with the same level of love and commitment I’ve always shown in my life. I’ll continue to participate in every aspect of our multicultural society without fear. Likewise, I respect the right of any person who chooses not to participate in accordance with their own views to do as they think best – we’re still a free society.”

“And that’s the choice I ask every UNC member to make to participate in the diversity that is T&T. There will always be differences in any society, but I believe I show love and respect to all equally.

“As leader of this great UNC party and as a national leader, I give you the assurance I’ll show tolerance, love and compassion without fear or favour.”

“But I warn you,” she said, her voice growing firmer, “Do not take my kindness for weakness! Do not take my kindness for weakness! I warn you. Because I am strong, I’m UNC and proud … Never ever, ever take my kindness for weakness!!

“Never. I serve you with notice. Don’t say you were never notified.”

She said the party must do what it must do in accordance with its constitution as it goes forward. Persad-Bissessar, noting two by-elections due ahead, also said, “It will be licks like fire! We’ll wipe them up in both seats!”