JTUM angered by Perenco’s handling of Covid cases offshore

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JTUM angered by Perenco’s handling of Covid cases offshore

The Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) said it stands in solidarity with the offshore workers at Perenco and the workers’ representing union – the Banking, Insurance and General Workers’ Union, who is a member of JTUM.

This comes on the heels of a report that over 30 workers were placed in quarantine, after contracting Covid or coming into contact with someone with the virus, while working on a platform. Perenco, then sent a letter to staff, asking that they do not speak to media and/or disclose information as it pertains to the workers who have contracted the Covid19 virus.

In a statement last evening, JTUM called on Perenco to treat workers with respect and cease their shameful attack on their lives.

JTUM expressed anger at the attitude of Perenco Trinidad and Tobago’s management in dealing with the Covid19 outbreak on two of its platforms and at its threat to discipline workers should they disclose any information on the incident to any third party, including the media.

JTUM said the letter was “a clear indication of this company’s intent to hide, undermine and coverup any wrong with regards to the handling of COVID-19 cases found on the various platforms.”

The union said “It appears 35-plus workers’ lives are a commodity that is easily dispensable through intimidation and lies. To us, this is tantamount to Massa controlling their plantation. It will be extremely important for this company to remember that in this country, “Massa day done.”

They said “Workers who are represented by a union cannot be barred from speaking to their Recognised Majority Union (RMU). As such, the memo preventing workers from speaking to anyone outside of their indoctrinated public relations spokesperson is a violation of every worker’s rights.”