Israel Khan, SC questions Minister Faris Al Rawi’s impending Silk conferral

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Israel Khan, SC questions Minister Faris Al Rawi’s impending Silk conferral

Head of the Criminal Bar Association Israel Khan, SC, has expressed concern over Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi, impending silk conferral. Eleven attorneys, including former National Alliance for Reconstruction Minister Anthony Smart, Energy and Energy Affairs Minister Stuart Young, and Rural Development and Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi, are expected to be conferred silk at President’s House tomorrow.

Khan endorsed Minister Young as deserving of silk due to his “reputation, merit, ability, and integrity,” but questioned Minister Al-Rawi’s silk. He said: “There is a problem hanging over the head of Al-Rawi in relation to the indemnity agreement with King’s Counsel Vincent Nelson that he entered into to prosecute former attorney general Anand Ramlogan, and the present AG had indicated publicly that he would reveal at the appropriate time the significance of that indemnity agreement, so that is hanging over his head.”

Khan SC added that if Al-Rawi has not been cleared of all wrongdoing, then there is a blot on the whole process of awarding silk. Khan SC added that if Al-Rawi has not been cleared of all wrongdoing, then there is a blot on the whole process of awarding silk.