Haynes-Alleyne calls on MoE to introduce emotional and conflict resolution training

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Haynes-Alleyne calls on MoE to introduce emotional and conflict resolution training

Tabaquite MP, Mrs. Anita Haynes Alleyne, has expressed serious concern following yesterday’s violent incident at the Palo Seco Secondary School.

Mrs Haynes Alleyne said, “I extend best wishes to the injured students for a quick and total recovery. We all expect our schools to be safe spaces. Sadly, that sense of safety has been shattered once again.”

Haynes-Alleyne, the Shadow Minister for Education, reiterated her call for targeted interventions to address school violence by teaching students to de-escalate issues.

“I wholeheartedly appreciate the Ministry of Education’s effort to identify high risk schools and implement strict disciplinary measures in cases of student violence. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed method to determine when or where tragedy will strike. This is why we need to implement targeted interventions at the level of the curriculum, for all schools.”

“We must introduce emotional regulation and conflict resolution skills. We must also create safe spaces in each school for students to seek refuge in the event of bullying, threats or worry for their safety. The Student Support Services Division is doing a lot of work with their limited resources; with increased support, these interventions can be introduced in the short term while longer term interventions are developed and implemented.”

Haynes-Alleyne also issued a message to all parents and guardians, urging them to pay close attention to children and difficulties they may be experiencing.

“Growing up in this increasingly technological world is not easy and the COVID-19 pandemic added an additional, albeit mostly temporary, layer of social isolation and stress. We must be diligent about checking in on the young ones in our lives. Every effort to prevent or mitigate youth violence is critical. The signs may not always be readily apparent, but let us commit, as a national community, to helping our young people navigate tough times as best as possible.”