Government Reveals SSA Audit Ongoing

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Government Reveals SSA Audit Ongoing

The extensive review and audit of all personnel, equipment and processes within the Strategic Services Agency is ongoing.

This process according to Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, will go on for quite some time.

Cabinet met and advised the Acting President to terminate the appointment of Retired Major Roger Best as the Director of the Strategic Services Agency.

Questions on the issue were raised in the parliament by the Member for Couva South, Rudy Indarsingh.

In response, Dr Rowley explained the process could go on for a long time due to the scale and scope of the exercise.

The Opposition MP also wanted to know when the process is completed will the findings be shared with the Joint Select Committee on National Security.

The Prime Minister said he is yet to see the report and what will be brought to the parliament will be appropriate and serious information.