George: No sense going to war with the Central Gov’t!

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George: No sense going to war with the Central Gov’t!

It makes no sense to go to war with the Central Government.

Head of the Tobago Chamber Martin George made the comment in relation to threats by the Chief Secretary Farley Augustine to sue Central Government.

Augustine announced on Thursday that the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) is preparing to take legal action against the Central Government as it seeks to get $166.4 million which it said is owed to the organization.

The THA said this is money owed over the past few years.

The announcement was made by Chief Secretary Farley Augustine last Thursday who was at the time moving a motion at the Assembly Legislature to seek the budget allocation for the THA for the period 2023 to 2024.

He said his administration had been having discussions with the Minister of Finance on this matter over the last two years without any material success.

Commenting on the issue Chamber Head Martin George said for several reasons such action makes no sense.

He said such action may not yield the best results for good working relationship.

George maintained that it is obvious that the THA cannot force the Central Government into giving more than it decides.

He suggested a more amicable way of resolving the issue.