Gary Griffith wins yet another court case against a social media blogger

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Gary Griffith wins yet another court case against a social media blogger

It’s another win for Gary Griffith in the courts, as the political leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) has won his matter against a social media blogger.

In a judgment dated May 16, 2023, High Court Judge Jacqueline Wilson ruled in favour of Griffith against Deonarine Deyal.

In her ruling, Justice Wilson ordered the defendant to pay damages in the sum of $100,000.

She ordered Deyal to issue an apology to Griffith in the terms agreed upon within seven days of the date hereof.

Deyal was also instructed to pay Griffith’s prescribed costs in the sum of $13,200.

In a statement yesterday Griffith said, “As I have said on many occasions, my good name is extremely valuable to me, and I will fiercely defend it.

“Following on the heels of my court victories against the Prime Minister and the highly paid social media blogger, the courts have once again deemed me the victor.”

Griffith said this was one of several matters of a similar nature which he also intends to win in the courts, including the four and counting against the “discredited” social media blogger.

He said it was “not an attempt to cull freedom of expression, which I also vehemently defend and value, it is my hope, however, that my series of wins serve as a warning to those who are prepared to lie on others, that they should also be prepared to pay the price for their lies”.

Last month social media blogger Rhoda Bharath issued an apology to Griffith on Facebook following a court ruling.
They will return to court on October 30 to discuss the paying of costs.