Child Labour Consultation To Be Held In Tobago In July This Year

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Child Labour Consultation To Be Held In Tobago In July This Year

The next leg of the National Multipartite Stakeholder Consultation on light and hazardous Child Labour work will be held in Tobago in July 2024.

On May 8th the first was held at the Trinidad Hilton and Conference Centre.

Representatives from across fourteen employment sectors within the Private and Public Sectors as well as Employer and Employee organisations provided feedback on various duties  within their respective sectors, which are deemed light and hazardous for young persons below age 18.

The objective is to set guidelines for employers when employing children age 18 and below, to ensure their health and safety in the workplace.

Minister of Labour, Stephen Mc Clashie, reiterated in his address  “the health consequences of hazardous work during childhood can have long-term effects on individuals health and productivity into adulthood.