Caribbean Airlines soars as Official Airline for Pan African Festival TT 2024

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Caribbean Airlines soars as Official Airline for Pan African Festival TT 2024

Caribbean Airlines is thrilled to announce its role as the official airline sponsor for the upcoming Pan African Festival TT 2024, aligning its brand with a major cultural event as part of the Emancipation Day celebrations. The announcement was made on June 14, 2024, as Caribbean Airlines continues to champion community and cultural connections across the Caribbean.

The Airline will be providing essential transportation for keynote speakers and dignitaries, ensuring a broad audience can participate in and contribute to the festival’s activities. Additionally, the airline is set to enhance the event’s branding with its “Welcome Home” campaign, promoting a message of unity and cultural pride.

Khafra Kambon, Director of The Emancipation Support Committee: “The Emancipation Support Committee is delighted to welcome Caribbean Airlines as the official airline of the 2024 Pan African FestivalTT (PAFTT) Commemorating Emancipation. We look forward to the continued growth and development of this strategic partnership which we are certain will augur well in our ongoing efforts to make the PAFTT a premier national Heritage Tourism Festival to which we can Welcome Home in increasing numbers our Caribbean Diaspora and other visitors from across the globe. We thank you Caribbean Airlines”

Garvin Medera, CEO of Caribbean Airlines: “Caribbean Airlines is pleased to be the official airline of the Pan African Festival TT 2024. Our support of this event exemplifies our commitment to celebrating the diversity and the unique cultural identities in our region. We are happy to play a key role in bringing people together to celebrate the heritage and emancipation of our Afro-Caribbean people.”

The Pan African Festival TT 2024, aims to celebrate African culture through a vibrant showcase of music, dance, art, and cuisine. The festival, connecting the African continent and its diaspora, serves as a platform to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of African heritage within the Caribbean context.

In a move to further engage with festival-goers and the broader community, Caribbean Airlines will host an interactive booth at the Lidi Yasu Omowale Emancipation Village during the festival. This engagement is expected to strengthen bonds with both current and potential customers, enriching their experience of the Pan African Festival.

As Caribbean Airlines continues its mission to bridge distances and connect cultures, its sponsorship of the Pan African Festival TT 2024 is a pivotal part of its ongoing commitment to excellence and community service.