Business community calls for re-engineering of the FUL process

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Business community calls for re-engineering of the FUL process

In a bid to determine the way forward on Firearm Users Licenses, the business community is seeking a meeting with National Security Fitzgerald Hinds and Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher in order to hold frank discussions.

The Confederation of Regional Business Chambers, CRBC, which comprises small and medium business organisations, says a “serious look” must be taken regarding the re-engineering of the FUL process.

Following the murder of Golden City supermarket owner Bing Zhu Zhang over the weekend, business groups have called for businesspeople to be granted access to FULs so they can acquire guns to protect themselves.

CRBC co-ordinator Jai Leladharsingh, said the body was deeply concerned about the unusual and horrific crime wave in T&T and calls on Minister Hinds to be more sensitive to the dystopic conditions that is placing fear, anxiety and unprecedented horror that is terrifying our business owners and our nation’s ordinary citizens.

Minister Hinds stated Wednesday that a “robust, thorough assessment” of applications is necessary following the crime surge. However, he has asserted that assessment falls with the CoP and agreed with police that weapons should be made available to “suitably qualified” people.

Leladharsingh added, “What is resonating now is that citizens, all citizens, feel very unsafe. The criminals have become emboldened and will go about doing what they want, and kill who they want. This is taking our twin island down a pathway similar to Haiti. No citizen wants T&T to become a failed state. No one at all!

“The CRBC suggests that the Minister, along with the TTPS Commissioner and the divisional commanders, meet with the leaders of the business community with the aim of fostering mutual understandings, facilitate a frank and open exchange of views and determine a way forward that can serve to build confidence and reassurances. The confederation is willing to facilitate such a meeting.”

Leladharsingh said a serious look must be taken at the re-engineering of the FUL process and the reform and rapid transformation of T&T’s protective services.

“Citizens need to have a fighting chance to survive this existing crime scourge. These are extraordinary times, and it calls for extraordinary measures. Rapid changes are taking place in our national environment and the Ministry of National Security and other critical arms of the protective services have to enact and action internal changes in order to mitigate these horrifying threats and build trust and confidence.”