Burnt decapitated body found in San Juan identified

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Burnt decapitated body found in San Juan identified

The partially burnt headless body found in a garden in San Juan on Tuesday has been identified as that of missing Venezuelan businessman José Gregorio Maldonado Carrillo.

The remains of the 40-year-old Venezuelan national were discovered around 12.30 pm on Tuesday, April 16, in an area at Ferrari and Vita Streets, off Sunshine Avenue, San Juan.

Carrillo was reported missing on April 13, after he allegedly left to drop workers off in Curepe, before proceeding to Port-of-Spain.

The 63-year-old gardener who discovered the remains came upon the corpse when he went to tend to the small produce garden.

Carrillo was clad in a jersey and boxer shorts, while his pants had been pulled down around his ankles when he was found.

Police are continuing investigations into his murder.