Banks to establish individual guidelines on mask-wearing

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Banks to establish individual guidelines on mask-wearing

The mask mandate may be going away come tomorrow, July 17th, but mask wearing will still be required at some key business places, like the banking sector.

The Bankers Association of Trinidad & Tobago (BATT) has confirmed that each bank will establish its individual mask-wearing guidelines.

In an advisory issued Saturday, BATT cautioned customers to continue practising other safety measures such as hand sanitization as the COVID-19 virus is still present.,

It notes that the mask-wearing guidelines of each local bank can be accessed on their respective official websites.

“Each member bank will advise their customers accordingly with respect to their specific guidelines when visiting the branches. The public can visit their bank’s website and social media platforms for further details,” BATT confirmed.

The Bankers’ Association says it will continue to work with the government to ensure its staff and customers remain safe.