27 held for breaching COVID-19 regulations in Sangre Grande and Valencia

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27 held for breaching COVID-19 regulations in Sangre Grande and Valencia

Twenty-seven persons were arrested for breaching the Covid-19 Public Health Regulations during an anti-crime exercise conducted by officers of the Eastern Division overnight.

Officers of the Sangre Grande Police Station and Valencia Police Post conducted the exercise between 6 pm on Friday 2nd April, 2021 and 12:30 am on Saturday 3rd April, 2021, in Sangre Grande and Valencia.

During the exercise, 27 persons, including eight Venezuelans were arrested for gathering in a public place where the number exceeded ten, in breach of the Public Health Ordinance 2021. One bar owner was also arrested for allowing consumption on the premises of his business place located along the Southern Main Road, Sangre Grande.

Three persons were also arrested for Driving Under the Influence, while a 43-year-old Valencia man was held on an outstanding warrant.

Investigations are ongoing.

The exercise was supervised by Insp. (Ag.) Kistow, and Sgts. Johnson, Garcia and Scipio.