UWI Cave Hill to have limited in-person classes

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UWI Cave Hill to have limited in-person classes

The University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus is moving to have a limited return of in-person classes for the new academic year.

Principal and pro vice-chancellor, Professor Dr Clive Landis, made the announcement while addressing new students during the university’s second virtual matriculation ceremony on Friday evening, from the main conference room of the Hilary Beckles Administration Complex.

“Instruction would be done mainly online, while only a small number of classes will be done face-to-face in a strict control setting. However, we have been concerned by the loss of in-person skills among our students. Our recent online experience has shown that the teaching in clinical skills and medical sciences, lab instruction in science and technology, sport, as well as teaching the proper execution of movement and skills in the creative and performing arts, all require some measure of face-to-face instruction.

“To do anything less would not be in keeping with sound pedagogical practice. We are heeding the calls of many students to plan for a very limited return to the classroom in select disciplines,” he said. (RA)