UNC Claims Borrow And Tax Is Government’s Way Forward

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UNC Claims Borrow And Tax Is Government’s Way Forward

Borrow and tax, this is the claim coming from the Opposition the government will adopt amid a decline in the performance of the economy.

Kamla Persad Bissessar during her response to the Mid-Year Budget Review in parliament Friday, claims there are fewer income streams, there is an increase in borrowing, there are plans to carry up the Value Added Tax, increase penalties and fines and cut back on social programmes.

She said her statements are based on documents obtained from the Ministry of Finance.

The Member of Parliament for Siparia claimed the borrowing limit will be increased from 20 to 25 percent and warned a nation cannot be taxed  its way  into prosperity.

She claimed most of the additional funding requested will go towards recurrent expenditure and question where is the allocation for developmental projects.