TT POST: Expect delays in mail delivery

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TT POST: Expect delays in mail delivery

Mail arriving from the US, the UK and parts of Europe will be arriving to your doors later than anticipated.

According to a release posted by TT Post to its Facebook page, bags of mail and parcels post dated between April and December 2020 arrived in T&T at various dates over the past three weeks.

It adds however that it has not received a satisfactory explanation from the US Postal Service regarding the long delay.

Instead, TT Post says its investigation points to the USPS using Panama as an in-transit destination for the items, instead of Miami.

It says flights between Panama and Trinidad have not operated since April 2020, and believes this is the reason for the delay.

Delivery of these items will take place over the next few days and TT Post says it is aiming to have them in the hands of their recipients by March 31st.

It is also attempting to see if more mail and packages posted in 2020 are still to arrive, and will advise on when these can be expected.

TT Post says the delay impacted less than 1% of its mail deliveries over the period, and did not affect any aspect of its Courier Business, which it says operated smoothly over the period.