Tancoo calls Hinds useless following Cocorite shootings

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Tancoo calls Hinds useless following Cocorite shootings

United National Congress (UNC) MP Davendranath Tancoo, has described the National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds as useless and a failure, following the shooting deaths of four people in Cocorite on Saturday night.

Tancoo, the MP for Oropouche West, made the comment at a UNC news conference yesterday.

He said Hinds is the most incompetent national security minister in the history of this country.

“However, it seems that incompetence, corruption, incapability and the one single ability to lie and mislead is what are the requirements to become a minister under this Government,” he added.

Tancoo said not only is crime continuing to affect “every single person everywhere” but justice is not forthcoming. He referenced the murder of Dana Seetahal, SC.

Ten years after Seetahal’s killing, Director of Public Prosecutions Roger Gaspard has said his office is still awaiting documents from the Judiciary needed for the case to be set for trial. The Judiciary has, however, denied this claim.

In the interim, the slain senior counsel’s family, friends and colleagues believe the long wait for justice is a betrayal of her legacy.

Tancoo said it is time for Hinds and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to be held to account.