Samsung Invites T&T Students to Sign Up for Solve For Tomorrow 2024

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Samsung Invites T&T Students to Sign Up for Solve For Tomorrow 2024

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is proud to announce the opening of the registration period for the 11th edition of Solve For Tomorrow (SFT) in Central America, the Caribbean, Ecuador, and Venezuela. This year, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago join the initiative, expanding the reach of the programme to more students.

Solve For Tomorrow is a global Samsung programme that seeks to inspire new generations to use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to provide solutions to real problems in their communities. The programme encourages students to work as a team, develop their critical thinking and creativity skills and become agents of positive change in their environment.

This year, Samsung will implement the program simultaneously in 12 countries: Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.

Additionally, in-person and online workshops will be provided during the registration phase and in later stages of the program to strengthen knowledge in Design Thinking, enhancing the solutions and training process for students and teachers in the region.

At the official launch event for the 2024 edition, held in Panama, Zezinho Lee, President of Samsung Central America and the Caribbean, said: “This is a very exciting day for me, a day in which opportunities open up for thousands of students from the region to participate in SFT and create projects to generate positive changes in their communities through technology. I invite you to take advantage of the training that the program offers you, tools such as teamwork, empathy, and leadership. As I always tell you: never stop dreaming and being curious.”

Each country will select a winning team in the Solve for Tomorrow programme, resulting in a total of 12 champion teams. These teams will compete in an additional round, where the three best projects in the region will be chosen. They will then advance to a regional competition, from which an absolute champion will emerge, and whose project will be recognized internationally.

“At Samsung, we are committed to the development of STEM education in the region,” said María Fernanda Hernández, Samsung Corporate Citizenship Manager. “Solve For Tomorrow is an initiative that allows us to connect with new generations and provide them with the necessary tools to turn their ideas into tangible solutions for their communities. This year we hope to receive around 2,500 ideas in the first phase.”

In Latin America, Samsung’s educational program has impacted more than 353,000 students and teachers since its launch in 2014. SFT has had the participation of 20 countries in the region and is now strengthened with the creation of a regional digital platform that offers innovative pedagogical practices to promote STEM education.

This year’s goal is to achieve the participation of 10,000 people, including students and teachers.

How to Participate:
To be part of Solve for Tomorrow 2024, students from participating countries must form teams of three to five members and register their project on the official website. The registration period will be open until June 21, 2024.

Complete the four parts of the form:
1. Register for the program through the website until June 21, 2024.
2. Form a team of 3 to 5 members.
3. Choose a real problem in your community and define an innovative solution using the STEM methodology.
4. Develop a project that describes your solution in detail, including its impact.
5. Submit project through the programme’s online platform.

Participating teams must present an innovative project that uses technology to solve a real problem in their community. The projects will be evaluated by a jury of STEM experts, who will select the finalists
from each country. The finalist teams will have the opportunity to present their projects in a grand regional final, where the best will be awarded.
Solve For Tomorrow is a unique opportunity for young people in the region to develop their creative and technological potential while working as a team to create a better future for their community.

The programme not only seeks to reward the best ideas but also to provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to turn them into reality.
“We invite all students in the region to participate in Solve for Tomorrow 2024 and be part of this great initiative that seeks to build a better future for everyone,” Hernández said.