Rowley says PNM responsible for all the positives in T&T

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Rowley says PNM responsible for all the positives in T&T

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has placed his supporters in election mode, saying “The next election coming up may be the most significant one in T&T’s history.”

Speaking at last night’s People’s National Movement (PNM) meeting at Tropical Angel Harps pan yard in Chaguanas, Rowley called on supporters to get energised, adding “when you’re energised, you’ll know your interest lies with the political party that took us to Independence and Republican status and through all difficulties and is responsible for all the positives you can point to in T&T – that party is the PNM.”

During his address, Rowley slammed the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) for trying to force him to give information on the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) matter in Parliament.

He pointed out that during the Parliament sitting on Wednesday, he’d answered Opposition questions on the SSA issue, yet he said the UNC was abusing Parliamentary privileges “demanding I tell them” what the police was doing, looking for and who they were investigating.

Rowley said the UNC was an “irresponsible mad bunch”. He said the agencies handling the SSA matter will take their time to investigate, talk to who they want to, “and what the Parliament should know, it will know and eventually, all of us will know”.

Rowley said in the emergency in the SSA matter, when someone had to be found to head the agency, retired brigadier general Anthony Phillips Spencer was contacted and he stepped in and took the post. But Rowley said the Opposition leader could only tell people “be careful who you phone” because he’d put Phillips Spencer to “spy on people”.

The PM also had some words for Professor Selwyn Cudjoe, who said at a UNC anti-crime consultation that the Prime Minister’s wealth should be examined to correlate the growth of his wealth with the growth of crime in T&T.

Rowley said, “Tonight I want to say to Selwyn Cudjoe: you just haul!”
“My wealth is my health – thank God.”