Opposition MP says closure of the refinery left a void for many

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Opposition MP says closure of the refinery left a void for many

Opposition Member of Parliament for Point-a-Pierre, David Lee, is appealing to the government to fulfill promises made to the constituency following closure of the Petrotrin refinery.

Speaking with NEWS POWER NOW this afternoon, MP Lee said the closure of the refinery left a big void for many persons.

However, MP Lee said promises made by the ruling administration to carry out certain projects and activities to cushion the effects from the decision to close the refinery have not materialized.

Meanwhile, President of the San Fernando Business Association, Daphne Bartlett, is urging the government to explore opportunities which can be explored in the area of renewable energy.

Mr Bartlett made the comment during reflections on recent developments surrounding the Point-a-Pierre refinery, in a News Power Now interview.


Source: News Power Now/Power102.1fm