MP Anita Haynes-Alleyne says she doesn’t see a future in the UNC following internal elections

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MP Anita Haynes-Alleyne says she doesn’t see a future in the UNC following internal elections

Tabaquite MP Anita Haynes-Alleyne says that she’s disappointed with the results of the recently concluded UNC internal election.

She made the comment while speaking on the Power Breakfast Show this morning.

MP Haynes-Alleyne said that persons who are interested in a change within the party are not the persons participating in the process that they have now.

She explained that changes would take the form of fundamental variations in the way the UNC does its political business and not in changing personalities.

The votes on Saturday saw a clean sweep for the Star Team with most of the candidates receiving up to three times more votes than the United Front.

MP Haynes-Alleyne said that the message by the electorate was received loud and clear, that they are quite comfortable with the present UNC politics going forward. She stated what was also clear was that Persad – Bissessar was only interested in working with one group during the internal elections.

Asked about her political future following her participation in the elections, Haynes Allen said that she understands the very real probability that she would not get the green light from the screening committee ahead of the next general election or continue to hold her place on the UNC executive.