Ministries of Health and Education looking at Monday 16th August start to vaccinate 12-17 year olds

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Ministries of Health and Education looking at Monday 16th August start to vaccinate 12-17 year olds

The Ministries of Health and Education are collaborating to begin vaccination of the nation’s 12-18 year old students starting Monday 16th August. The intention is to vaccinate thousands of school children with the recently acquired Pfizer vaccine. These have been approved by the WHO for the vaccination of children.

The health ministry said that parents and school officials will be given details on the rollout of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for secondary school pupils over the age of 12.

The education ministry identified 81,000 pupils in the public secondary school system and approximately 10,000 in private secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. The recently received donation of 305,370 doses of the World Health Organisation (WHO)-approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine arrived in Trinidad and Tobago from the United States at 7.50 Thursday.

The intention is to fully vaccinate the cohort of students to facilitate a return of some percentage of students into physical classrooms sometime this upcoming semester.