Licensing Division to ramp up enforcement of vehicle inspections

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Licensing Division to ramp up enforcement of vehicle inspections

Motorists across the country better beware.
Transport Commissioner Clive Clarke says the Licensing Division will soon be clamping down on the enforcement of vehicle inspections.

In an interview with the Newsday, Clarke said he is unhappy with what he is seeing from motorists.

He made the comment as the division issued more than 200 fixed-penalty notices over the Easter weekend.

Clarke told the media house: “Saturday, I was on the highway and the things I saw, I was appalled because both the (Transport) Ministry and I have been making a call for a number of persons to get their act together as far as their driving documents are concerned.”

According to him, many people are still operating under a false assumption that there is a moratorium on the renewal of vehicle and licensing documents.

“A number of persons are driving with expired permits and with their vehicle not inspected. We are not under a moratorium.”

He said there are plans to further clamp down on motorists who do not meet the vehicle inspection criteria.

“I have given my staff the instruction to ramp up enforcement based on inspection because defective vehicles contribute to major issues on the nation’s road and we have to be able to ensure vehicles are inspected properly.”

Clarke said possible corruption at inspection stations is also being looked at.

“We have implemented mechanisms to monitor if we have delinquent vehicle testing stations on the outside. So where you find persons who may want to probably falter, we will find them out and we’ll treat with it.”