LGE: Three of the fourteen recounts completed

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LGE: Three of the fourteen recounts completed

Three of the fourteen recounts are completed. This is the alpha-listing by electoral district of the results of these recounts.


People’s National Movement (PNM) 1207

United National Congress (UNC) 1162*

*The UNC candidate Shane Samlal received one (1) more vote


People’s National Movement (PNM) 873

United National Congress (UNC) 884*

*The UNC candidate Sasha Tricia Ali received one (1) less vote


People’s National Movement (PNM) 741*

Progressive Empowerment party (PEP) 43

United National Congress (UNC) 720**

*The PNM candidate Ryan Stewart received one (1) less vote

**The UNC candidate Kristen Thaddeus Townsand received two (2) less votes

The EBC informed that recounts in the remaining eleven electoral districts are on-going.

On Tuesday 15 th August, Fern Narcis-Scope, the Chief Election Officer received requests for recounts in fourteen electoral districts, which were contested in the Local Government Elections on Monday 14th

August, 2023. These requests came from the PNM and the UNC.