Kamla: Security meeting with TTPS was a “pappyshow”

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Kamla: Security meeting with TTPS was a “pappyshow”

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar says nothing of substance came out of Monday’s National Security Council meeting with the TTPS.

She described the meeting as a mere “photo op” and a “pappyshow.

Speaking at the UNC’s Monday night Forum she said T&T is in turmoil with the crime crisis but Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley was silent in recent weeks and MIA (Missing in Action).

She questioned why Rowley yesterday posted on Facebook that he had instructed the NSC to meet yesterday.

Persad-Bissessar said after yesterday’s “big meeting,” Hinds said they were not doing certain things but there would be “heightened” police presence “which was what had been said for the past seven years.”