Kamla Persad Bissessar:  ‘Star team’ claims massive victory in UNC Natex elections

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Kamla Persad Bissessar: ‘Star team’ claims massive victory in UNC Natex elections

Preliminary results in UNC NATEX elections gives ‘Star team’ a massive victory . UNC Political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar predicted victory for the Star team which she endorsed. She said even while the ballots were still being counted that the Star Team has soundly beaten the Rushton Paray-led United Patriots in the United National Congress (UNC) internal elections.

She declared victory at her Siparia constituency office shortly before midnight: “Landslide victory for all 17 stars” Persad-Bissessar acknowledged that the count was still ongoing but said, “The trend is very clear.”She added that in all her years it was the worst internal elections she has experienced as a political leader.

She added : “We faced a bruising and battering campaign, but it was a campaign that was rooted in dishonesty. You remember the others came out and told you that we were not going to hold these elections so from day one the other team started with dishonesty.”

The political leader continued: “I have gone through so many campaigns, as leader myself six internal elections I have caused to be held in the party and this has been the worst.”