Is the Pension age being pushed to 70?  Persad-Bissessar is enquiring

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Is the Pension age being pushed to 70? Persad-Bissessar is enquiring

Opposition leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar is insisting that the National Insurance Board (NIB) is at the point of Insolvency thanks to the Keith Rowley-led administration.

Speaking at UNC’s virtual meeting on Monday night, she maintains that the NIB Fund has been pushed to the point of insolvency due to the decline in contributions by over 112 thousand persons.

She said “Over the weekend we saw the headlines that very soon the NIB will have to sell some of its assets to meet obligations. The Government must be honest – tell us if Pensions are in trouble.”

Persad-Bissessar said “It is extremely worrying that the rumours of the pension age being raised from 60 to 65 might be true given this government’s failure to manage the fund effectively.”

“I am calling on the Government to state whether the pensions of hundreds of thousands of our citizens are in jeopardy after the grim facts in these NIB reports.”

She is also asking if the Pension age will be pushed to 70!

Persad-Bissessar also stated that Rowley’s disdain for accountability is hurting our nation.

She said “This Rowley regime has been the least transparent government in our history demonstrating a clear policy of denying the public vital information on the nature of State agencies and deliberately running from those demanding the truth.”