Heritage addresses concerns of Guayaguayare residents

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Heritage addresses concerns of Guayaguayare residents

Heritage’s Incident Management Team said it will continue to manage the clean-up operations at the site of the Guayaguayare oil spill that occurred on Saturday, 11th February 2023.

The sole source of the leak was identified in a heavily forested area, and was quickly repaired on Sunday, 12th February 2023.

No further leaks were detected after the repair and examination of the line.

As part of our ongoing efforts to complete the clean-up exercise in a timely and efficient manner, several members of the nearby community were engaged and are working alongside the spill response contractors and Heritage officials. Onsite air quality monitoring is being conducted by HSSE officers together with a third party contracted team.

The results show no measurable levels of hydrocarbon vapours. Community members who made mention of a scent emanating from the affected area, have reported that it has been substantially reduced over the last evening.