Haynes-Alleyne: Incumbents shouldn’t be allowed to choose election dates

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Haynes-Alleyne: Incumbents shouldn’t be allowed to choose election dates

Tabaquite MP Anita Haynes-Alleyne says the launch of Mayaro MP Rushton Paray’s slate went quite well and she’s happy with the turnout of those who came to support.

She made the comment on the Power Breakfast Show this morning.

Last Saturday, Paray launched the United Patriots slate.

Paray is among those contesting the party’s three positions for deputy leader, the others being Anita Haynes-Alleyne and Dr Rai Ragbir.

She said this morning that prior to their advocacy there was only talk surrounding a general election and no talk of an internal election.

She reiterated her view that there must be changes made to the United National Congress for the health of the party and success in the next general election.

She elections must be allowed to play out and have the members have their say.

She stated internal elections are extremely important and fundamentally one of the issues that must be addressed is dates for elections.

She said that it is unfair that the incumbent gets to call the election date.

Haynes-Alleyne revealed that she will accept whatever the members say in June for internal elections and if they decide to go with the other slate she understands there may not be a place for her simply because she is preaching another narrative.

She said there are a lot of places to serve your  country and while she has served in Parliament it’s not the only place to serve her country and she’s very comfortable with that.