Florida man calls 911 to ask if his drugs were real

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Florida man calls 911 to ask if his drugs were real

Thomas Eugene Colcci contacted 911 on Thursday around 7 p.m. after he recently purchased the drug from a man and was unsure if the meth was legitimate or made with bath salts.

Once Hernando County deputies arrived at his home, Colucci told them that he was an “experienced” drug user and knew what methamphetamine should feel like and didn’t get the sensation he always experienced this time.

Additionally, Colucci showed deputies two baggies containing a white, crystal-like drug and handed it over. He informed them that he wanted the substance tested so other people wouldn’t purchase it from the man who sold it to him. However, he couldn’t provide any contact information or name for the drug dealer.
The drugs were tested and it was confirmed to be methamphetamine but Colucci was arrested and charged with possession of the substance in addition to possession of drug paraphernalia.